Yesterday, rather than waking up early to run before the littles woke up, I decided to run when I returned home from work at noon. Upon walking in the door, I discovered that one little was asleep, so I made a mad dash to eat some lunch, and then head out in the 90 degree heat. This was considered cool compared to previous days, and after running in the early morning, the lower humidity made it seem almost paradisiacal.
So off I went. No goal in mind, just an easy run until I decided to turn around. I had my garmin on, but didn't look at it. My favorite kind of run.
All was well until about a mile and a half before I returned home. My stomach started acting up, and I felt myself needing to cough. Uh oh.
Then, with about a mile before making it back home, I stopped in some shade and peeyooked.
What a waste of avocado.
On the bright side, I felt pretty hardcore in spite of making it an easy run.
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