Friday, September 6, 2013

New challenge!

So, I hate cancer. Really hate cancer. It scares the poop out of me, and it's why we've been eating a plant based whole foods diet-- so much research has shown how minimizing the consumption of animal protein (milk, eggs, and meat) reduces the risk of cancer.

True story. Check it out here.

But what really gets me is children getting cancer. Stories come up where some kid is having to fight this unfair battle (like, really, cancer? You couldn't pick on someone your own size?), and I can't even finish reading about them. It breaks my heart into pieces and I just want to snuggle my kids until the threat disappears. I realize there's a reason for everything and all that jazz, but it doesn't take away how hard it is. I'm selfish. I get that. I want my kids to stick around, and I want everyone else's kids to stick around.

So this month, I'm doing this.

There was a time (a yearish ago) where running 100 miles a month wasn't a big deal. Lately, though, I'm still adjusting to having three kids, working, and treating running as a gift to myself rather than as something to check off my to-do list. My mileage will vary from 20ish miles a week all the way down to 3 miles a week. If I feel like biking, doing the elliptical, lifting weights-- I've been doing that instead. If I'm tired, slept horribly, or fighting a cold, I don't exercise, and I don't beat myself up for it. It's been wonderful for my relationship with myself.

But for kids with cancer? I'm willing to kick it up a notch.

If you want to donate to help me help kids, go here:

You'll see a super cute picture of my kid, which makes it worth at least checking out.

It's nice being a place where I can focus on running for happiness, for health (for myself and others), rather than out of self hatred. Such a wonderful place to be in.

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