Good grief. It's amazing what not running can do to your motivation to write a running blog.
That isn't to say I have been doing nothing. I've been getting jiggy with it with this guy:
Holy. Moly.
Now, I haven't been doing this as regularly as I would like (my goal lately has been to bike every other day, and do strength training every other day). I checked this sucker out from the library, because that's what you do when you're a Stay At Home Mom and your husband's income consists mostly of warm fuzzies at the local domestic violence shelter.
I shy away from DVD workouts, mostly because my experience has been they don't do a whole lot for people who are already athletic. They are FANTASTIC for you if you aren't an exercise fiend/addict, but it's hard to go from running 35+ miles a week to swaying side to side and clapping, and still feel like you're getting anything out of it. (Okay, the swaying side to side thing may be a slight exaggeration-- but I've done my fair share of workout videos in the past that consisted of doing that at least once).
So I'm familiar with Biggest Loser. I like Bob. He's kind of a goober, and as a former thespian, I like goobers. So I popped the sucker in.
I almost cried, it hurt so good.
And while it hurt my abs like whoa, it was my BACK that was all sorts of lactic acid-filled the next day. Which is fantastic to me-- I have a tendency to focus to much on the front of my core (my problem area) and that results in a muscle imbalance, and then I have awful posture. I was so impressed with the different moves he uses, and I never felt bored. I wanted to throw things at the screen once or twice, but never out of boredom. And Bob in all his goober gloriousness gives me a nice face to look at without making it awkward. You know what I'm saying.
So as someone that works out perhaps a little too strictly, it was really nice to find a workout dvd that really made me feel it.
So there you go. A workout DVD reviewed that I got from the library. So it was free-- but I have to return it in three weeks. That is, unless the toddler hides it, then I'll have to purchase it. But after doing it a few times-- I don't think that would be so bad.
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